What is Naturopathy?
The Naturopathic principles, Functional Medicine testing, Modalities used, Food intolerance testing and Supplements prescribed.
Naturopathy applies traditional, factual, medical and scientific knowledge to optimise your health.
The principles of Naturopathic Medicine are:
- Support the body's innate ability to heal itself (the healing power of nature)
- Treat the WHOLE person (This includes the physical, mental, environmental, spiritual and emotional)
- Promote optimal health and prevent disease by treating the cause rather than just the symptoms
- Educate and actively involve patients in the management of their health (Doctor as teacher)
- Prevention is better than cure
- First do no harm

Functional pathology tests
These tests are used to investigate functional, biochemical, nutritional, metabolic and hormonal status. They balance alternative approaches and assist practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients seeking a holistic approach to health.
Food Sensitivity Testing
BeFunctional Labs offers several different Food Sensitivity tests that assess IgG responses to several different foods.
Adverse reactions to foods can be a source of considerable discomfort. The term food sensitivity refers to a condition where you react to an ingested food as though it were a toxin. Foods that are normally considered healthy to most human immune systems, becomes a threat.
Symptoms vary considerably and everyone can respond in different ways to different foods. Many people live with minor or major symptoms of adverse food reactions for years without ever suspecting the involvement of the immune system and the foods that trigger it.
Many people report improved weight control, more vitality and altogether a better quality of life, following implementation of dietary changes based on detection of food sensitivities and repairing leaky gut.
Food Sensitivity Symptoms Conditions Associated with Food Sensitivity can include:
- Abdominal pain
- Anxiety
- Bloating
- Breathing difficulties
- Constipation and diarrhoea
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Fatigue & lethargy
- Fluid retention
- Headache
- Gastric ulcers
- Hypersensitivity
- Migraine
- Nausea
- Rashes
- Acne
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Autism
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Coeliac’s Disease
- Crohn’s Disease
- Eczema
- Epilepsy
- Fibromyalgia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Multiple sclerosis
- Psoriasis
Modalities used
Using diet as therapy - is at the foundation of Naturopathy. With the epidemic of nutrition-related diseases, the old saying ‘you are what you eat’ is most relevant today.
Herbal Medicine
Plants have been used as medicine since ancient times. Naturopathic practitioners are trained in the historical uses of plants and the modern pharmacological mechanisms.
Nutritional supplements
Nutritional Supplements are a great way to get your batteries topped up fast! 21st century environmental and lifestyle factors can leave you short of optimal levels of vitamins and minerals. Taking supplements when required is a safe method of getting your nutrient status into optimal levels. The quality and quantity is extremely important as is a personalised prescription.
Health coaching
Counseling & lifestyle advice is a huge part of a Naturopathic Consultation. Understanding stressors and implementing strategies to manage them is vital. Attitude, sleep, exercise, breathing techniques, time management all impact on well-being and can be addressed in a naturopathic health strategy designed around your individual needs.
Having someone guide you through you're blocks is the difference between knowing what to do and doing it. Simone can coach you to reach the health goals you desire.
Practitioner Only Suplements
Quality is essential when choosing supplements. Unfortunately, due to the popularity of supplements today there are a lot of cheap poor-quality products saturating the market. Most of which are in forms of nutrients that we don't absorb well are and in very small quantities which have no therapeutic benefit. As a qualified Naturopath, I am trained to prescribed therapeutic grade evidence-based Nutritional Medicine. We have access to 'practitioner only' supplements which are only available with a prescription from a university qualified Naturopath or health professional. Brands such as Metagenics, Bioceuticals White Label Orthoplex, Mediherb, Biomedica, Research Nutrition and Nutrition Care are common brands prescribed which are some of the best quality supplements available and from are companies with great ethics.
All supplements can be ordered online and delivered to your door through the Metagenics portal or the Vital.ly warehouse depending on your requirements.